Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hijab-Ez, Friends Forever! by Linda (Widad) Delgado

Book 2, Hijab-Ez, Friends Forever!

In the Name of Allah, Most High

Rose has turned ten, and her dad has decided to put her in a new school, one with diversity. Rose is angry with her dad for pulling her out of her Christian Private school, where everyone wore a uniform and had the same belief. She doesn’t want diversity! But what’s diversity anyway?

On the first day at new school, Rose befriends a Muslim Egyptian called Camellia. Camellia wears a headscarf and is taunted by rude uncouth children about wearing a cloth on her head. One boy even attempts to pull the scarf of Camellia! Rose formulates a PLAN to support her friend, getting two new friends in the process; Ruby, a Vietnamese Christian just arrived in America and Christiana, an American Hispanic Christian. Who knew diversity could be so much fun?

The Hijab-Ez comes from ‘hijab’ and ‘Ez’ shortened from of ease. This is the name the four girls give their group, wearing handkerchief scarves to school to support the rights of their friend. The Hijab-Ez become famous and get an ovation for rescuing Ruby from the evil clutches of a bully and also help their fellow community, when they put a smile on their faces after a bad accident. Through their escapades, they continue ascertaining more interesting facts about Islam from Abdul, Fahd and Camellia.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Visitors by Linda (Widad) Delgado

The Hijab-Ez Books by Linda (Widad) Delgado

A delightful series intending to entertain and educate the minds of the young, on living and Islam.

Book 1, The Visitors

In the Name of Allah, the Bestower of all

Nine year old Rose lives with her Dad. Next door is her beloved Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma’s invited two Saudi Muslims, the gentle and well mannered Fahd and Abdul, to stay at her house for a year, while they study their chosen careers as police officers. Since Grandma, Grandpa and Dad are all police officers, Grandma thought it would be a brilliant idea. Rose thinks so too. The surprise comes when Rose’s dad doesn’t like the idea that Rose will be around Muslims, and feels that Fahd and Abdul will influence Rose’s thinking. What Rose needs is a PLAN. And that’s what she does best…

I thought that the book was not written so well, with an overuse of exclamation marks. A younger audience would not mind that very much anyhow, they’ll be more interested in Rose’s chats with Jams, her journal. Jams stands for; Journal of Arab Muslim Stuff, and Rose calls it ‘Jammie’ lovingly. Jammie is packed with interesting information about Islam that Rose learns from the two officers and new words that they utter, like ‘Subhannallah’ and ‘Alhamdullilah.’

We’ll use Rose’s favorite word to describe this book, Awesome!