Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hijab-Ez, Friends Forever! by Linda (Widad) Delgado

Book 2, Hijab-Ez, Friends Forever!

In the Name of Allah, Most High

Rose has turned ten, and her dad has decided to put her in a new school, one with diversity. Rose is angry with her dad for pulling her out of her Christian Private school, where everyone wore a uniform and had the same belief. She doesn’t want diversity! But what’s diversity anyway?

On the first day at new school, Rose befriends a Muslim Egyptian called Camellia. Camellia wears a headscarf and is taunted by rude uncouth children about wearing a cloth on her head. One boy even attempts to pull the scarf of Camellia! Rose formulates a PLAN to support her friend, getting two new friends in the process; Ruby, a Vietnamese Christian just arrived in America and Christiana, an American Hispanic Christian. Who knew diversity could be so much fun?

The Hijab-Ez comes from ‘hijab’ and ‘Ez’ shortened from of ease. This is the name the four girls give their group, wearing handkerchief scarves to school to support the rights of their friend. The Hijab-Ez become famous and get an ovation for rescuing Ruby from the evil clutches of a bully and also help their fellow community, when they put a smile on their faces after a bad accident. Through their escapades, they continue ascertaining more interesting facts about Islam from Abdul, Fahd and Camellia.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Visitors by Linda (Widad) Delgado

The Hijab-Ez Books by Linda (Widad) Delgado

A delightful series intending to entertain and educate the minds of the young, on living and Islam.

Book 1, The Visitors

In the Name of Allah, the Bestower of all

Nine year old Rose lives with her Dad. Next door is her beloved Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma’s invited two Saudi Muslims, the gentle and well mannered Fahd and Abdul, to stay at her house for a year, while they study their chosen careers as police officers. Since Grandma, Grandpa and Dad are all police officers, Grandma thought it would be a brilliant idea. Rose thinks so too. The surprise comes when Rose’s dad doesn’t like the idea that Rose will be around Muslims, and feels that Fahd and Abdul will influence Rose’s thinking. What Rose needs is a PLAN. And that’s what she does best…

I thought that the book was not written so well, with an overuse of exclamation marks. A younger audience would not mind that very much anyhow, they’ll be more interested in Rose’s chats with Jams, her journal. Jams stands for; Journal of Arab Muslim Stuff, and Rose calls it ‘Jammie’ lovingly. Jammie is packed with interesting information about Islam that Rose learns from the two officers and new words that they utter, like ‘Subhannallah’ and ‘Alhamdullilah.’

We’ll use Rose’s favorite word to describe this book, Awesome!

Friday, August 29, 2008

When You Hear Hoof-Beats Think of a Zebra by Shemsudin Friedlander

In the Name of Allah, the First

Islamic books have no contention to the Un-Islamic ones. It is written for the betterment of earthlings. You may peruse it, with the intention of leisure and adornment of knowledge in company, and by the Grace of the Almighty, He would still bestow you with the beneficial from it. And Alhamdolilah, beginning with a desire to extradite the errant from your manner, and empower your knowledge with good, it would be if the Almighty Wills, gather your deeds. Sufism was once a reality without a name. Now, it is a name without a reality.

The book delves into how we’re alive in a semi-sleep. It has that special light, the one that inspires you to read further, and more imperatively, practice on the author’s annotations. Islam asks of us a simple thing, to submit. And we, to do that, should hold water on easy aspects; truthfulness, gratefulness, humbleness. The essence of living a fulfilling life; is to never forget our eminent death.

As the humble slave of Allah, I think the book is not drowning into a sea of unknown aspects of Sufism but paints a picture of how to live your life in the simplest of manners, with the bounty of reward. It greets you with sincerity. Lessons are taught, telling tales and parables of people that lived before, with the authors’ continuous commentary and manners on how to trust ourselves unto our Creator.

There are two doubts I wish to express, one;

The author tells of a Sufi sect, called the Rufai, somewhere in Iraq, where the men have the ability of being burnt, cut or whipped, but without getting a smidgen of hurt and nor feeling the pain. Not only can they do this, but they can also stab somebody with a hundred swords and nothing at all will happen to him. This entire process is reportedly said to have been an inherited gift and too, most especially, they do this by repeating the Glorious Name of Allah, Al-Hayy.

I have heard about this somewhere before, where humans can transport their minds to other realms in other not to be affected by the torture they go through in this world. There are also so many, who do incomprehensible doings, because of adrenaline rush, or to show off. In the case of these Sufis, they actually induce forms of mistreatment of their very own selves. Like, as mentioned in the book, the old dervish walked on a bed of hot coals and licked a hot white poker and continued to so, while seemingly getting younger and younger. I do not understand why one would do such a thing, and what advantage it would do to his book of deeds. Allahu Alim, He is the All-Knower and we are only here to worship Him.

And why is it, that the Effendi who past away, had a gold turban placed on his bier?

Allahu Alim

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Healer of all beings

The book of Sufi Healing by Sheikh Muhinudeen Chisti

Medicine is something originated with a human being, connecting with a human soul. It’s associated with this deep sense of healing, and curing, and most essentially, helping. How would you help your essence to attain this heightened sense of spirituality when you tear up your physical self with un-wholesome fare? Subhannallah. Our guide, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentions ‘Eat wholesome food’ and, this book attempts to explain this and other very fulfilling narrations, as well as most beautiful verses of the Glorious Quran, attainting to the physical, spiritual and mystical.

It took quite a time to read this book, as it often happens with Islamic ones. You need to somehow, brood, over all that is written. Contemplate; take notes, sigh with submissiveness over the significance of very beneficial words. The book is about Sufism, which first of all, has this entire susceptible air about it. There is somehow, more than need be, of realms, reverence and roses. I think you need to read the allusions of ‘souls coming to visit sheikhs’ and ‘the essence of the soul of the rose’ with care.

After the precautionary measures, one can delve into potions for various diseases, foods prescribed by the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him), a bouquet of perfumes that can cure a thousand sicknesses and a cauldron of other inspiring matters. The Sheikh describes the colossal profits we gain from each position in salaah, and which we do not realize, but these prayings assist us in a regular flow of blood to the very different paths of our body.

Subhannallah, our Masterful Fashioner of Shapes Creator has made us a most masterful creation. The Quran, for instance, is our Ultimate Book. The Quran too, is the perfect Guide for breathing. When one reads prescribing the methods of pausing and pulling, it strengthens the lungs and allows in further air. Allahuakbar. Allah, Al-Kabir gave us occasions that guide us and make us of those who fulfill these special opportunities.

Alhamdullilah, one of the very better benefits I gathered was when I cooked, I felt the hearts of the spices and their specialties beautify the essence of food, instead just chucking in things without experiencing anything.

Souls become amazing discoveries once they are guided onto the Straight Path.

Allahu Alim

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Allah is Known Through Reason by Harun Yahya

In the Name of Allah, Most High

Allah is Known Through Reason by Harun Yahya

Footprints show that man exists; the Creation shows that Allah is the Creator. When you study Allah’s Creation, then you will find yourself growing closer to Him. Harun Yahya explores our universe, giving us scientific theories that were only discovered in this century, but were revealed in the Quran 1400 years ago. This is exceptional, because when we learn science from a western perspective, we normally get a very small materialistic view of our world.

This book is a beautiful light read, full of the interesting facts that we don’t even think about. When the author mentions that every single point in this world is measured to an absolute perfection and how we wouldn’t be able to exist if even a single molecule was out of place, we realize just how very ungrateful we are to Allah Almighty. In the first chapter, we journey through some glorious aspects about space, earth, the animal kingdom and the human body.

Chapter two expounds about those scientists who deny Allah aza wa jal in entity and delves into who they are and why they do it. These ignoramuses are on a war to annihilate all religion, and it is rather unexpected that a great proportion of them a Jews. Chapter three, the last and final one, offers a warning before to venture into its deep waters, and it says: ‘The Chapter you are about to read, reveals a crucial secret of your life.’ Discover, here, that there is simply nothing besides Allah, Al-Jabbar.

Allahu Alim

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Motorworld by Jeremy Clarkson

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious and Most High

Motorworld by Jeremy Clarkson

Jeremy is an utterly barmy man of horrendous genius. He is also completely rude at all the right moments. ‘The Hulk’ as Mother Dear calls him, visits 11 countries in this book to take on their perspective of the… motorcar! He finds Italians beautiful, with even the petrol cap designed and the ultimate pleasure in that one does not need to bother with those pains in the neck, the seatbelt or the speed limit.

Texas is the state he must have been born in but got swapped at birth, they think swearing is a compliment. He journeyed to another land, far recognizable to any other on Earth, Iceland. Here he frolicked with the profound aspect of having day for 24 hours.

He thinks India is the country with the most problems in the world, whacked out drivers who refrain from driving with the headlights on during darkness, because of ‘self-respect.’ Thus, they kill themselves and a whole lot of others. But after numerous years, he has still not discovered why he likes it.

Dubai caught his fancy, where he spent five hours looking around the ‘Rainbow Sheikh’s two garages. He then joked with an assistant if the Sheikh had anymore garages or cars, and the man conspiratorially replied that ‘there are many more but there's not enough time to view all in a single day.’ After all, aren’t the Arabs so rich, it just makes your teeth itch?

Fast cars, fast lives, and writing with 600 horsepower.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Butter Chicken in Ludhiana by Pankaj Mishra

In the name of ALLAH, Most High, Most Merciful, Most Knowledgeable, Most Forgiving

Butter Chicken in Ludhiana by Pankaj Mishra

Written with sarcasm, satire and surprise, Butter Chicken is a wonderful book about one of the world’s largest and most influential countries experiencing transition. India, land of the poor and the pragmatist. It has that endearing charm to it that all Indian written books have, soul. India, a country that takes an especially far-reaching intellect to describe its perplexity, is a portrait here of a nation finding their aspirations, wanting the wider arc of people to comprehend that they are now a force to be reckoned with.

Despite the dirt and the debris, Subhannallah, the immorality and open immodesty are something of a genuine surprise. Through the spanning years, with all the tales my ancestors would imprint into their future generations, they had painted India as the country with a sturdy sense of bashfulness. They still think it’s like that, though I fail to regard it as true after all the inexplicable nonsense they do there.

Read it when going to India, or when going anywhere, each chapter is a different story in a diverse city, something one could put down at length and resume another time as if he’d never stopped.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Book Reviewers

I always thought book reviewers were losers. I mean, you're taking another person, oh, just not another human, but an author, and giving his life's work a cursory glance and then proclaiming your snobbish opinion that will either way change his life. How do you think the writer must feel? He must be wary of picking up a newspaper. On top of that, the public listen to this commentator and thus form their judgments. The only way an artist can win the war against the critic, is to do something so ginormously extraordinary, that the critic will be totally and absolutely overawed.

Thus said, books, after arriving in book stores, are not sold by themselves. Their sold, and I mean bestseller multi million selling, when the conclusions of the Observer, the New York Times, or the Sunday Independent appears majestically on their front and back covers. I admit to choosing books just because of these names. It as if the final and ultimate judgment has been recorded. As if the words of these small persons, who will probably never write a book in their lives and realise the significance of a published story, are almost blessed.

Well, since I do not have the patience, the talent, nor the story, I like reviewing books. It gives me a sense of almost self worth. I hope you'll enjoy my humble efforts.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Oh the irony of it all...


It is as cold as the moon's glacial face. So cold, it warrants that we do no work today, just sit, huddled, in layers of cloth and wool. To drink mugs of boiling lava like liquid, so that it burns the throat and causes fire in the belly. But today is Friday, Al-Jum'a, a day of blessings and peace, a day of ease. A day of spiritual warmth. Wrap up in your remembrance of the Almighty.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008